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Paris에서 열린 OECD Forum에 참석하신

한승수 국무총리 내외분


10th OECD Forum

Be part of the debate

The OECD Forum team is very grateful to the Governments of Korea, the Netherlands, France, Slovak Republic, Turkey and Slovenia and for their generous support for OECD Forum 2009.237388007_yxVtRv8D_985e3362547beb93aa70ce00b5609695d7ac73f9.12593C1E4A4674283DB3C6

국익과 국위선양을 위해 OECD FORUM에 참석하신 한승수 국무총리님을 드로잉했습니다.


동석하신 홍소자 여사님

Key issues on the agenda

How to strengthen the global economy in the longer term?

How to restore stability and confidence in the financial system?

How to soften the impact of recession?

How to launch a new drive to raise corporate governance standards?

How to weather the employment crisis?

How to keep markets open for trade and investment?

How can innovation drive sustainable recovery?

What about green growth and climate change? 


Find out more:  www.oecd.org/crisisresponse.

What is the OECD Forum?

The OECD Forum is the "must-go" event on today's international agenda 

The OECD Forum is a "multi-stakeholder summit" which brings together business and labour leaders, civil society personalities, government ministers and leaders of international organisations to discuss the hottest issues on the international agenda.

   OECD Secretary-General, Angel Gurría notes risks and presents responses to the economic crisis, including global co-operation on medium and long-term strategies to be discussed during OECD's Forum and Ministerial Council Meeting.

"The OECD is a hub for dialogue on global economic issues and the OECD Forum is key in this endeavour... We are convinced that we can only find these solutions through an enhanced dialogue and co-operation among all stakeholders"

 The OECD Forum takes place in conjunction with the annual OECD ministerial summit which will be chaired by Korean Prime Minister HAN Seung-soo.

   "Today, the world continues to face a weakening global economy. While our generation is not unique in confronting various crises, the combined magnitude of the current financial turbulence, shaped by the forces of globalization, is indeed without historical reference. Every single issue we confront today is constantly affected by changes that are occurring well beyond our nominal controls and national boundaries." Read more


Forum speakers are usually at the level of Minister or CEO. Forum 2008 attracted approximately 1700 participants from 68 countries.

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