월드아트엑스포(World Art Expo) 올림피아트 Olympiart 작가로 출품

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월드아트엑스포(World Art Expo) 올림피아트 Olympiart 작가로 출품

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#정택영 올림피아트 Olympiart 작가로 출품. 참가합니다.

전시장 위치 : 올림피아트 작가 부스(COEX 전시장 좌 우 벽면 공간)

The World Art Expo Seoul 2025 is a global art fair full of diversity and creativity with the International Association of Arts (IAA) aims for a global platform, where artists based in acclaimed galleries in Korea and abroad from all over the world participate to bring together excellent artworks from various genres such as paintings, sculpture, photography installations. etc. This year, especially the third Art Expo Seoul 2025 has a special project we're offering an exclusive benefit for overseas galleries to join our galleries and artists to make a fabulous art event with many ardent visitors to enlarge the Korean art market's booming after 2 times the Frieze Art Fair was held in Seoul with huge success. The World Art Expo Seoul 2025 allows participating galleries to experience the emerging art market with new emotions and draw the public's curiosity through many artists at home and abroad and various provocative works that will lead and make a new trend in the future of contemporary art.
Besides, this significant art fair is supported by The International Association of Art (IAA) which is a global UNESCO cooperation organization that aims to protect artists' social and economic freedom and status.

World Art Expo Seoul 2025 월드아트엑스포 서울은 International Association of Art에서 주관하는 아트페어로ㅡ 국제조형예술협회 IAA International Association of Art는 예술가들의 사회적, 경제적 자유와 지위를 보호하는데 목적을 둔 세계적인 유네스코(UNESCO) 협력기구입니다.
월드아트엑스포는 국제조형예술협회(IAA)와 함께하는 다양성과 창의성이 넘치는 글로벌 아트페어로, 세계 각국에서 주목받고 있는 예술가들이 참여하여 다양한 장르의 미술 작품을 한자리에 모아 선보입니다. 월드아트엑스포는 현대미술의 미래를 이끌어갈 국내외 많은 작가들과 다양한 작품들을 통해서 새로운 감동을 경험할 수 있습니다.

월드아트엑스포 서울 2025
World Art Expo Seoul 2025

행사명 : 월드아트엑스포(World Art Expo)
기간 : 2025년 1월 16일(목) - 19일(일)
장소 : 코엑스 3층 HALL C (서울 강남구 삼성동)
분야 : 평면, 입체, 캐릭터, 웹툰, NFT, 메타버스 외 기타 분야
주최 : IAA한국위원회
주관 : 월드아트엑스포 운영위원회

Name of Event World Art Expo Seoul 2025
Dates January 16, 2025 (Thu) - 19 (Sun)
Venue COEX 3rd floor HALL C (Samseong-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul)
Categories Paintings, Sculpture, Installations, NFT, Meta-verse and Others
Hosting the IAA Korea Committee
Organizer World Art Expo Organizing Committee
Logistic For Overseas Galleries
In the case of the overseas gallery, for your convenient transport of the artwork from abroad we'll introduce designated a logistic company in Korea if you needed
Information on purchasing tickets for the World Art Expo

regular 20,000 won

10,000 won for students


Exhibitions test
관리자 0 3341 2017.07.28
Exhibitions test
2011. 9. 6~27 Seoul Solo Exhibition
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